The Ontario Command of The Royal Canadian Legion is comprised of over four hundred (400) branches throughout Ontario. With a total membership of over 100,000 the Ontario Command of the Legion is the largest service oriented organization in Ontario.
Although our main focuses continue to be remembering those who gave their lives for freedom, and looking after the needs of veterans, their dependants, and those still serving in the Canadian Forces; Legions throughout Ontario Command are also contributing to the well being of our neighbours by sponsoring community programs. Support for the communities we live in is one of our main beliefs.
Legions sponsor sports, youth programs, seniors programs, as well as supporting other organizations both financially and by supplying meeting rooms and halls for events. In some communities, the Legion Hall is the main meeting place for community and social events. Branches, zones and districts also raise funds to assist local organizations and regional organizations and facilities such as medical centres, medical research facilities and communities affected by natural disasters.
To learn more, please visit the links below:
Royal Canadian Legion
Ontario Command
Military Service Recognition Book